William Blackwell

Dark Fiction Author

The Hat Man Returns

My research has taken me into the fascinating world of lucid dreaming and sleep disorders. I’ve delved into nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis, sleep talking, sleep walking, even sexsomnia—a condition in which a person actually has sex in their sleep and wakes up with no recollection of it.

I‘ve uncovered some shocking and terrifying stuff.

Take, for example, the case of a Vancouver man who, after passing out at a party, was charged with sexual assault. He was later acquitted after the defense proved that he was a sexsomniac and therefore not responsible for his actions.

Then there’s the infamous case of the Toronto man Kenneth Parks, who was charged with murder after police discovered his mother-in-law bludgeoned and stabbed to death in her home. There was no question Parks had committed the murder. But was he cognizant and therefore responsible for his actions? The defense was able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Parks was sleep walking at the time. The result. Acquittal. Not guilty, by reason of sleep walking.

These true stories are frightening in their own right. But it was during my research on sleep paralysis that another, perhaps even more disturbing phenomenon, emerged. Sleep paralysis is a condition that occurs during that transitional stage between waking and falling asleep whereby a person becomes completely immobilized. During these episodes, people may hear, feel, or see things that are absolutely terrifying and panic-inducing. They might be awake and aware of their surroundings, but otherwise completely frozen, leaving many to wonder if they’re actually dying, or even traveling out of their bodies. Some have reported soaring through visually stunning colors and passing through a time warp and into another dimension.

During sleep paralysis, some people see the mysterious Hat Man, a darkly cloaked shadow man with a wide-brimmed hat. Widely documented, some believe he is a powerful evil force who actually exists in another dimension.

Seeds of The Dark Menace, the working title for my work in progress, began to grow. “What is this Hat Man?” I asked myself. “Is he a sleep-paralysis induced figment of one’s imagination? Or is he real?”

Theories abound on the existence and agenda of the Hat Man. Many people report seeing him in their waking lives. Some claim he’s a guardian angel of sorts while others are convinced he’s the devil come to harvest their souls. He has been connected to alien abduction, preying on fear, and striking you when your defenses are low and you are down and out. Some claim he’s trashed their houses and tried to strangle them to death in the middle of the night.

According to Heidi Hollis, author of The Hat Man, The True Story of Evil Encounters, the Hat Man is not only real, but he is the devil.

She writes, “Victims worldwide have reported seeing this man peering into their homes, their bedrooms, their baby cribs, their cars and even—their souls.”

Some have been able to defeat him by calling out the name of Jesus, or having their homes blessed, while others simply just beat the crap out of him. Some simply order him out of their homes.

So what is he? A guardian angel, a figment of the imagination, or a powerful evil force?

That’s exactly what Noah Janzen, the troubled lead protagonist in The Dark Menace, my work in progress, intends to find out. Noah is plagued by a terrifying sleep paralysis that often invokes horrific images of the feared Hat Man. To his horror, he learns he also suffers from night terrors, sleep walking, sleep talking and even the dangerous and little-known condition called sexsomnia.

One morning he wakes up in his pickup truck in the middle of a grassy meadow with no idea of how he got there and no memory of the night before. It isn’t long before he learns two sexual assault charges have been filed against him and one of his enemies has been found brutally murdered. As the noose tightens around him, his life begins to unravel. He’s thrust into a battle to prove his innocence, preserve his precarious relationship with his girlfriend, and confront The Dark Menace he believes is responsible for all the carnage—the soul-harvesting, evil Hat Man.

While everyone around him thinks he’s plunged off the precipice of sanity, Noah believes the Hat Man is not only real, but actually exists in a dangerous and deadly other dimension—one the Hat Man affectionately calls “the dead zone.”

The Dark Menace, a fact-based “fun thriller,” will be released soon. I’m excited about its possibilities. Due to the creative process, plot elements are subject to change. Here’s a tantalizing teaser for your reading pleasure:

The muffled scream echoing eerily from the hallway leading to Noah’s bedroom wasn’t enough to stir Barbara Jansen from her couch-potato, channel-surfing position. With one hand, she reached into the glass bowl cradled on her lap and shoveled a mouthful of potato chips into her mouth, unaware of a few chips that spilled down her gray sweatshirt, one lodging in the crotch of her sweat pants, a few others spilling onto the couch. She grabbed the remote, adjusted her bulk, and turned up the volume. The crotch-trapped chip crunched into powder. Oblivious, she flicked the channel quickly six or seven times and finally stopped at Bride of the Monster, a 1955 B-grade cult horror film. She leaned back and grinned, exposing crooked, decaying and nicotine-stained teeth.

“Mooommmmy… heeeeeelp me!”

Have you seen the Hat Man? If so, drop me a line. Good or bad, I’d love to read about your experiences.

Thanks for stopping by. I’ll see you in the tenth dimension. Don’t worry. It’ll be a riot.



Moonshine Madness


Who are the Shadow People?


  1. Lis

    I know a seer who saw him in her doorway, after which she experienced her powers of perception. She’s not the only one.

    I have been visited by a man in a top hat in my dreams, but he’s not the typical Hat Man. He sat down and wanted to talk to me about my tarot cards. “First, I want you to do something for me,” he said. But I couldn’t hear what he said, and he looked at me like he wasn’t sure I was telling the truth.

  2. Widukind

    Dear Readers,

    The Hat Man visits me nearly every week in lucid dreaming. And I have only good experiences with him. We just talk normally and I often ask him questions about him. For example, I ask how he comes to my dreams, who he is, and so on. Once he showed me his tarot cards. That was funny. I always try to look in his face, and he looks like an Arabian type of man. But I want to mention, that he’s not the only Hat Man. He has a brother, too. They are very different. If you want to know more about my dreams, just tell me:) Greets from Germany:)

    • Fascinating stuff, Widukind. Thanks so much for sharing your Hat Man experiences. As I’m sure you know, many others see him as a benevolent force as well. I’m curious. What did the tarot cards tell you? What is the Hat Man’s brother like? What is your secret to lucid dreaming? I’ve managed it a few times but often I’m unsuccessful at waking up in my dream, so to speak. Thanks again and have a great day. WB

  3. Thanks for sharing your Hat Man experience, Tiffany. Many people share your view that the Hat Man is a positive influence and even a guardian angel of sorts. But since he is not scientifically verifiable, others view him in a negative light. In my upcoming novel, The Dark Menace, I explore both the positive and negative associated with the Hat Man. I believe that if you view it through a positive lens, your Hat Man experience will be overwhelmingly positive, but I realize others might disagree with me. If you see the Hat Man again, I hope it is a positive experience. You demonstrate a lot of courage in your actions. Well done.

  4. Tiffany

    Hey, I have seen the Hat Man. He was on the left side of my bed but when I awoke and saw him, I did feel an intense sense of fear. I began to think that fear was created by myself over time. I was sleeping next to my partner and we were going through a troubling time, when I saw the Hat Man I saw it wasn’t me he had interest in but my partner. It’s very strange because I couldn’t see his eyes but I knew he was looking at him. He was there until I managed to panic and turned on the light. I have never seen him again but on occasion I think about him and wonder if he will reappear and why he did. I was scared at first but now I feel he is of some good. I am unsure. This was in maybe 2011. I was sexually attacked by a man that year. I put him behind bars for seven years but I felt strong like I knew I could do it but then suffered a year with anxiety and depression. Did he cause this or to warn us I am unsure. I am mentioning this due to other related aftermaths.

  5. Debbie Crawford

    I saw a man in a top hat and long black cape when I was about 10. I had fallen over in the street. I looked up and he was looking down at me. He flipped his cape over his shoulder and made eye contact and then he was gone.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience, Debbie. I hope it didn’t frighten you too much. Have a great day.

  6. Alexa

    I have seen the hat man 4 times in my life. The first time I was about 6 years old, snapped awake from a dead sleep. The next two visits followed that night closely (maybe within 4-7 days apart from the first visit). Seeing him, the first time, the tall dark shadow figure with what looked like a fancy top hat, absolutely petrified me. The next two times he woke me from a dead sleep, dressed the same (trench coat, top hat, beard, kind features) and wasn’t in shadow form. I wasn’t afraid of him, at all, and actually rather drawn to him and felt like he was an old friend in this form. I won’t go into much detail but these two accounts are drilled into my memory as something spiritual and friendly. Now, the forth time I saw him was a few days ago (some 30 years later), back in shadow form, just watching me sleep. I wasn’t afraid and felt oddly comforted. My research the past few days has been really surprising because I’m not finding any other stories of people with good experiences with Hat Man. Surely, I can’t be the only one?

    • Thanks for sharing your story, Alexa. No, you are not the only one. Doing research for my work in progress, The Dark Menace, I’ve uncovered stories similar to yours where people have felt oddly comforted during their encounters with the Hat Man. Some people who’ve seen him even feel like he is a guardian angel of sorts and others report feeling a benevolent presence during Hat Man sightings. I myself have felt dark shadowy figures in my bedroom just before waking and have also felt comforted and unafraid of them. I’m sure I will unearth more positive experiences related to the Hat Man. Have a great day.

  7. He’s from the Void/VALE of DARKNESS. I seen the hooded man/grim reaper. I seen two of them when I was 6 years old and I was shaking and hear whispers and voices and I had a severe high fever. I was hallucinating with nightmares and night terrors. This happen back in 2004 and after that the next day I was blacking out in the morning. I had to go to the doctor. I almost died in this experience.

    • Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear about your terrible experience. I hope your situation has improved. Have a great day.

  8. No I haven’t seen him but He’s a powerful interdimensional being that comes to take your life and soul and maybe spirit and he’s from the void and they are in the Dark and he will come if you stay up for 3 days or so.

  9. Carol Fitzsimmons

    No, I can’t recall ever seeing the Hat Man. I find your blog posts on dreams very interesting. Well-written, clear and concise. Well done!

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